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Student Life

We have a strong tradition of Student Voice activities, which provide opportunities for Pupils to become involved and even direct School life. There are many links here to other School areas especially Enrichment, PSHE and the house system. The following are the main forums and avenues of Student Voice, but also new projects may be started as initiatives change.

Year and School Council – All Years 7 -13
The role of the Year and School Councils is to provide a forum for all Pupils to voice their opinions on School life and ask questions to staff including the headteacher.

Student Committees
The role of the Committee System is to give Pupils the ownership over key areas of school development and, as such, the Committees running may vary year to year.

Sixth Form Head Boy and Head Girl
Every year we select our Head Girl and Boy, Deputies and Head Prefects who will represent the school. 

Sixth Form Committee
Pupils serve for one in year in Year 12 and meet regularly.

Jack Petchey
Featherstone High School is proud to be a school linked to the Jack Petchey Achievement Award, which recognises the efforts and success of young people with money to be spent on events, resources or activities within school. We are proud of our students’ success within this award and with our link to the programme.

Other Projects

  1. Many of the enrichment opportunities in the School include aspects of Student Voice
  2. Community Service and Charity activities are often suggest by and led by Pupils
  3. The House System is a key strategy in The House System participation